Monday, February 1, 2016

Choose Him

Helllloooo everybody!
      What a great week! This week we were able to get another baptism for one of our investigators. An experience that I still have no words to describe. This one was a young man, and seeing the joy in his life as he's progressed has been completely priceless. The gospel is truly about giving others the joy that we're so fortunate to have. This week, being a special holiday in Korea, we had to bow to our members in a "respect thing of pride" which totally baffled me. But hey, after we got done bowing, they all gave us money. Seems like food this week is on the members (; It was all in all such an incredible week. One I'll never forget.
      When I was young, I had the opportunity to go play baseball in Cooperstown, New York, where the Hall of Fame is located. It took so much time and effort to get prepared to go. I was so excited, but deep down, I was nervous to go. We had prepared so much. All the time, money, efforts and everything made me nervous that I might play bad and ruin the entire trip. Deep down I had this fear welling up inside of me.
      The first two games my fear was realized as I struggled. I had struck out multiple times, I was down on myself, and I was nervous that the entire week was going to be just like this. After the first two games, I remember expressing all my frustrations to my dad about how maybe my swing wasn't right, or I was doing this wrong, or that wrong. I'll never forget when my dad, in pure love, showing no frustration at how badly I was playing simply said, "Tys, we're here. You can either spend the week trying to think what you're doing wrong, or you can just go play. It's up to you." A true lesson of a lifetime from my dad whom I so dearly love. The rest of the week I took that to heart. It was up to me to have the right attitude, and to just go play. Following those two games, I played the rest of the week extremely well and created memories that will truly last me a lifetime.
      In my life, with me being a self perfectionistic freak, I always expected perfection. To say the least, I never get it (; But like with baseball and dwelling on what we think could be a bad swing, it can put us into a slump really quickly if we think about it too much. We create problems that weren't there. As I was in Cooperstown, we're all here on earth. We chose Heavenly Father's plan, and now we're playing. Sometimes we have these bad games that make us think bad, or get down. However, as I realized my dad's advice it's as simple as just going and playing the game. It's truly up to us. If we look at things in new and different ways, we truly can determine where we're going, what we're doing, and how "we're going to play" in this life. It's up to us to choose Jesus Christ, and His plan. As we choose Him, no matter how many times we strike out, pop out, miss a fly ball, or even how many times we lose, we'll always be successful as we choose as our Savior, Jesus Christ. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, but as for me in "my life", I have chosen to serve the Lord." May we all choose Jesus Christ in all that we do is my humble prayer.
      I'm grateful for this wonderful gospel and to be a missionary. I'm learning sooo much that I can't even comprehend. I'm becoming sanctified each and every day as I allow Christ to take me to greater heights. I'm grateful for the incredible family I've been blessed with. The little life lessons they've taught me has served me in Korea as my greatest advice. I'm so grateful for my family, how much I love them, and how grateful I am that families are eternal. I know it's true. I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He knows us, He loves us, and He's willing to help us through all. I'm so grateful for the chance to serve Him each and every day with all that I have.
      Love you all! Soooo grateful for the support I get. I feel your thoughts and prayers each and every day. I got the best support (: Thanks so much talk to ya'll soon can't wait!

Elder Roper

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